The Fourth Brazilian Internet Forum and the Brazilian Pre-IGF Event are all one and the same. What are these meetings and why the understood convene the Third Brazilian Internet Forum as well as the Brazilian Preparatory Meeting for the IGF 2014?
What is the Brazilian Internet Forum? promotes the Brazilian Internet Forum aiming at bringing together participants from the government, business, academia, civil society organizations, technicians, students and all those interested and those involved in the discussions and issues regarding the Internet in Brazil and worldwide. The Forum is therefore an open opportunity and an invitation to discuss the current and future challenges of the Internet as a whole.
Maintaining and deepening the multi-stakeholder and multilateral model of the Brazilian Internet governance, encourages the representatives of its sectors to monitor and express their views on issues and possible consensual solutions for the consolidation and expansion of a diverse, universal, innovative Internet in Brazil that espouses freedom, human rights and privacy as stated by its Principles for the Governance and the Use of the Internet.
What is the Pre-IGF?
The Internet Governance Forum - IGF was proposed by the World Summit on the Information Society in November 2005 and hence was created after consultations held by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2006. MAG, the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group also sprung from this initiative, backed by representatives of governments, civil society, academia, the private sector and international research organizations with the purpose of advising and scheduling the meetings of the IGF. Since 2006, the annual IGF is held in a different host city. Proposed and coordinated by, Brazil hosted the IGF 2007 in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
There is a lot of debate over the most appropriate model for the global Internet governance, and a lot of questioning about the methods and origins of the organizations through which the Internet spreads and grows on a global scale. The Brazilian model for Internet governance preserves a multi-stakeholder nature through the creation and composition of the and it has been acknowledged internationally as a model to be considered, discussed and followed. Its formulation process is also well known for its wide and open societal debate over the participatory model of the Internet.
Considering the thematic universe of issues discussed in the Brazilian Forum and the massive presence of representatives from government, business, academic and third sector, deliberated to establish the Brazilian Internet Forum as the Preparatory Brazilian Reunion for the IGF, compiling the Forum's conclusions as important multilateral contributions to the Internet Governance Forum.